My Favorite Brussels Sprouts Recipe

My Favorite Brussels Sprouts Recipe

This is my favorite way to do Brussels Sprouts. You could roast them in an oven, but when I’m able to, I like to cook them in a cast iron pan on the grill. Cook some bacon. Chop you bacon, reserving the fat. Heat skillet on grill. Put some bacon fat in hot pan...
Return of The Fat El Vez

Return of The Fat El Vez

I first made this dessert almost 4 years ago, and it has remained one of my favorites. I’d heard that Elvis liked peanut butter, bacon and banana sandwiches. I’m not sure if there’s any truth to that, but it’s a good story. In my opinion,...
Peanut Financiers

Peanut Financiers

A year ago I hadn’t ever thought about using peanut flour, but after a dinner at Ian Boden’s The Shack, I was convinced that I needed to pick some up. I don’t know how many companies produce it, but I found the Byrd Mill brand. They have both light...