Scrapple Dip

Scrapple Dip

Like crab dip, but better (and cheaper) Scrapple Dip just happened. We had some leftover cooked scrapple and wanted to try a few things. NOTE: I have posted the full recipe here So, I put the scrapple in the food processor and puréed it. Then I added cream cheese,...

Meat Manual

A friend recently passed this on to me and I thought I’d share.  If you’re into charcuterie and sausage making, this might be of interest. It is a PDF entitled the Bactoferm Meat Manual: Function and Application of Starter Cultures For Fermented...

Brian Polcyn Plays With His Meat

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to work with chef Brian Polcyn.  If you aren’t familiar with him, he is the author of the books Charcuterie and Salumi with Michael Ruhlman.  He is also the chef at The Forest Grill and the charcuterie instructor at...