Innovations in Cream Cheese

Innovations in Cream Cheese

Why has there been so little innovation in flavored cream cheese? I’m sure that some would argue that we don’t need it, but I would find find it a welcome change. Having eaten them for more than 20 years, its always been the same cast of characters:...
Make Cheese With Miso

Make Cheese With Miso

Make Cheese With Miso I’m really excited to be able to share the work of people I admire. I’ve been following and interacting with Rich Shih/Jean Dough/OurCookQuest for over a decade. He’s always working on something interesting, often focusing on...
Guest Posts Starting Soon

Guest Posts Starting Soon

I’m excited to announce that I will be occasionally featuring guest posts on this site. Over the past few years I’ve met a lot of people who are doing some really interesting things with food. I thought it would be great to let them share a recipe or...