Booze- A List of Ideas

Booze- A List of Ideas

Going through one of my cocktail notebooks, I found a lot of things in the “to-do list”. There are infusions, cocktails and dishes based on coktails. Hoping to bang a few of these out soon. Here’s what I have: A cocktail based on waldorf salad using...
Reading is FUNdamental

Reading is FUNdamental

Perfect Little Bites is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Well, now that we got the required disclosure...
Watermelon Juice and Pickled Rind

Watermelon Juice and Pickled Rind

The beginning stages of our Watermelon Remoulade which accompanies our Fried Maryland Blue Catfish.  The full story will be coming soon.    If you like what you see, please consider hiring me for an in-home dinner or cooking lesson. I run a personal chef business...
Ted Talk with Homaro Cantu. We’ll Miss You.

Ted Talk with Homaro Cantu. We’ll Miss You.

Sadly, we lost another great person yesterday. Chef Homaro Cantu will be missed by so many. I only met him briefly, but I’m glad I had the chance to talk with him. He wanted to change the world through food. If you you haven’t seen his Ted Talk, here it...