by perfectlittlebites | Feb 18, 2016 | marketing, Photography, science, technology
I want to share this Ted Talk from Peter Diamandis, because I think it’s such an important message, and it’s one of my favorite Ted Talks. We’re living in the greatest time in human history, and we sometimes need to be reminded of that. If you watch...
by perfectlittlebites | Mar 2, 2013 | Uncategorized
Chimichurri Buttermilk Dressing Sometimes playing connect the dots leads to something delicious. I made a large batch of chimichurri sauce yesterday for one of our dishes. One of my cooks tried it and said ” Tastes like Italian Dressing”. It makes sense...
by perfectlittlebites | Mar 2, 2013 | Uncategorized
This is the recipe for one of our favorite cakes. It’s Watkins 5 Flavor Cake, created so that the Watkin’s Co could sell more of it’s extracts. This is a great cake. They also suggest making a 6 Flavor Glaze, though we think its overkill and just...
by perfectlittlebites | Feb 18, 2013 | Uncategorized
I’ve been on a Kombucha kick lately, and not just for drinking. I enjoy all things sour, so it got me thinking. I started to use it anywhere vinegar would be used. My favorite flavor is the Multi-Green because it has that earthy grass undertone, but I’m...
by perfectlittlebites | Feb 5, 2013 | Uncategorized
A friend recently passed this on to me and I thought I’d share. If you’re into charcuterie and sausage making, this might be of interest. It is a PDF entitled the Bactoferm Meat Manual: Function and Application of Starter Cultures For Fermented...