by perfectlittlebites | Aug 16, 2015 | Uncategorized
Last week, we set out to make a Graham Cracker Waffle. It was not the glowing success we’d hoped for, but let’s back up a bit. One of my chefs had just found the Serious Eats recipe for The Best Strawberry Ice Cream, and wanted to make it, so he did. And...
by perfectlittlebites | Aug 5, 2015 | Cooking, salad
Sometimes things don’t work out the way you want them too, but take a delicious detour instead. One of my cooks was making Maple Pecan Muffins, but overcooked them. They weren’t burnt, but we couldn’t serve them as muffins either. Not wanting to...
by perfectlittlebites | Jul 18, 2015 | Uncategorized
A year ago I hadn’t ever thought about using peanut flour, but after a dinner at Ian Boden’s The Shack, I was convinced that I needed to pick some up. I don’t know how many companies produce it, but I found the Byrd Mill brand. They have both light...
by perfectlittlebites | Feb 22, 2014 | Assorted, health
Yesterday, we were working on some new menu ideas and canned hominy was suggested as a side dish. We’re putting fried chicken on the menu next week and wanted a starch we hadn’t used lately. We loosely followed a whipped potatoes model. Canned hominy was...
by perfectlittlebites | Jan 24, 2014 | Assorted, health
Yesterday was a bit like Christmas. My sales rep from RC Fine Foods brought in samples from their new umami line of seasonings. I’m not sure how they do it, but I assume it’s some kind of dehydration or spray drying. I think there are nine flavors. They...