The Crouton Test

All chefs have different ways of testing a cook’s abilities in the kitchen. You hear a lot about egg cookery. I think you can tell a lot about a cook or restaurant by how well they make croutons. No, seriously. How much care do you take in making something that many...

An Ode to the Manhattan (and My Mom)

Is there a more perfect cocktail than the Manhattan? If my mom were alive, she would be 70 today. She was a lifelong Manhattan drinker, consuming one every evening. There was no measuring or straining. You threw about 2 parts of cheap American whiskey and 1 part of...

An Ode to the Manhattan (and My Mom)

Is there a more perfect cocktail than the Manhattan? If my mom were alive, she would be 70 today. She was a lifelong Manhattan drinker, consuming one every evening. There was no measuring or straining. You threw about 2 parts of cheap American whiskey and 1 part of...

Communication, Or Lack Of

Communication, or Lack Of Let me pose a question. How is it that we have phones and computers growing out of every orifice, yet communication is becoming so poor? Much of it seems to be a general lack of respect. In recent weeks I have had numerous important emails to...